1. Name of the Society
The name of the Society is the Hindu College and high School’s Council.

2. Objects of Society
The Object of the Society shall be to impart secular,agricultural, commercial Or industrial education through institution directly manager by itself or by bodies Elected by it or through other institutions which may here after be affliliated to it .

3. Members of Society :
The Council may consist of the following classes of member s.

a) Life member now on the rolls as such
b) Members elected by the council
c) Members representing the old Boys
d) Members representing the Municipal Council
e) Members nominated or elected by any other Associated to Which representation is provided by the council at a Special Meeting.
f) Donors or their nominess whose membership or nomination is Accepted by the Council in terms of the agreement with them.

4. Definition of the several classes of members :
a) Only those who are now on the rolls as life member will continue As such for their lives or till they resign their life membership.

b) The Maximum number of those that may be elected by the council Shall be 35 and the minimum shall be 15 provided however ,that the council shall be deemed to be properly constituted even when the number falls short of the minimum for the purpose of filling up vacancies to reach the minimum number .

c) The Old Students of any of the college or High Schools under the Management of this coun cil or its committees who register themselves As an Association under the socities registration act may be given a Representation of not more than one member for each association On a contribution of not less than Rs.5,000/- or on such other alternative Terms as may be agreed upon between this council and the association.

d) The Municipal Chairman and 3 other members elected by the Municipal Council .

e) Donors or their nominees will have membership in terms of the Agreements with them incorporated in a resolution of the Council.

5. Residence qualification of the Members :
All members shall be resident members of the Guntur Municipal area. It’s, However, opento the council to waive this qualification in the case of any Individual by resolution expressly passed to that effect.

6. Disqualification for membership to be the member of the Council :
The following persons arenot qualifited to be the member of the Council.
a) A minor an undischarged insolvent , an adjudged lunatic or a student
In a recongnised educational institution . b) An employee of the Council or Committee there of
c) A borrower from the council or committees.
d) A person whose interests are adverse to those of the council or any of The institutions under its control or a person convicted or an offence Involving moral turpitude . The vote of the council as to the disqualification under this clase is final
e) A Person who is financially interested in any subsisting contract or Transaction has been approved or ratified by the council.

7. Tenure of Member :
a) Life Members : For Life or till resignation of their life membership.

b) Elected Members : 5 Years from the date of election. If the election, for filling up the vacancy caused by the expiry of filling up the vacancy caused by the expiry of the term of a member is not filled up before the expiry of the term the member shall be deemed to continue till such vacancy is filled up.

c) Old Boys Representative : 5 Years from the date of approval by the Council

d) Municapal Members : 3Years from the date of their the date of their Election to the Council or earlier on the Council Or earlier on their ceasing to be members of the

Municipal Council. f) Donors Nominee : 5 Years from the date of election and approval by the council.The donor can however change his nomiee with the council’s approval with in the said period.

f) Any member may resign his membership of the Council or Committee At any time before the expiry of his term . Such resignation will take effect As from the date of its Communication to the Council or Committee and the acceptance there of by the council or committee.

8. Election of Member :
1.Every person applying or proposed for membership under rule 3-b shall have been recommended by at least 2 members of the Council before he is accepted as a candidate for election.

2. Voting shall be by secret ballot when the number of candidates to be elected is in excess of the number of vacancies to be filled up.

3. There may be a simultaneous election for more than one vacancy.

4. No election of a member in excess of the number existing at any time shall be held unless the council declares that there is a vacancy,subject however ,to the limits prescribed in rule 4-b.

5. Any member present may give as many votes as there are vancancies but shall not give more than one vote to any candidate at such elections.

6.when there is an equality of votes for any 2 or more candidates and the number of vacancies to be filled up , there will be a re-election for the vacancies.If there is still an equality , lots will be drawn among the candidates and the result decided accordingly.

9. Deposit and subscription of members :
1. Every member falling under clauses 3( b) shall deposit with the council a sum Of Rs.200/- which shall be re-payable to him on his ceasing to be member with out interest and after deducting any amount due to from him .The amounts of deposists shall be kept in a seperate account in the Bank.
2. Every member falling under clause 3 ( b) shall make either a deposit Rs.1,000/- with the council in Lieu of subscription returnable on the Termination of his membership or shall pay a quarterly subscription of Rs.100/- to be paid in advance before 1st july of each year.
3. It will be open to the Council to exempt any member from Liability to make a deposit and subscription.

10. Termination of Membership :
1. The Council may at any time remove any of its members at a meeting specially convened for the purpose by a majority of the members on the rolls if in its judgement.
a) He, wilfully refuses to carry on his duties as an office bearer after accepting the office and keeps on or becomes incapable in the opinion of the Council of so acting.
b) He, without excuse sufficient in the opinion of the Council, omits or refuses to carry out the resolutions of the Committees or Council.
c) He becomes after the election subject to any of the disqualifications’s which if they had existed before his election would have disqualified him from becoming member.
d) A Member shall cease to be a member of the Council.
a) If the subscription payable by him is in arrears for more than 3 months and the member does not pay all the arrears due by him after service of a written demand.
b) If he absents himself for 6 consecutive meetings of the Council and over a period of not less than 6 months.
c) If he fails to make the deposit required within 3 months from the date of his election.
d) The default referred to in the above clauses may be condoned by the Council for reasons considered proper, in which case he will be restored to his former membership.

11. Casual vacancies among members or office bearers:
Any casual vacancy among members or office bearers shall be filled up by election as soon as possible there after for the unexpired term only.
12. Powers of the council:

1. The Council shall have all powers necessary or incidental to the carrying on of the objects thereof. Rules, alternations, amendments and abridgements can be made only, as per section 12 of Societies Registration Act of XXI of 1860 .

2. In particular, the Council shall have the following Powers
a) To acquire property for the benefit of the Council or any of the institutions managed by the council directly or through Committee appointed by it and administer the same either directly or through its Committees

b) To be the owner and to have the power to sell, mortgage, lease or otherwise transfer any properties owned, endowed or acquired for the benefit of the Council generally, or for the benefit of any of the institutions managed by it directly or through Committees appointed by it whether the properties stand in the Name of Council by its President or any of the Committees by the President of the said Committees subject to any restrictions imposed by the terms of the endowment or acquisition. A resolution of the Committee managing any of the institutions for whose benefit the properties are meant shall be necessary before the Council exercise the power under this clause.

c) To raise loans for the purposes of the Council or any of the institutions under its management directly or indirectly.

d) To dissolve any of the Committees constituted by it and reconstitute the same and to have the powers of the dissolved Committee till such reconstitution.

e) To appoint, suspend, punish remove any of the employees in any of the institutions under its direct or indirect management except in so far as the power may have been delegated to any of the Committees under any of the terms of this constitution or by rules framed there under. The authority to appoint shall be deemed to carry with it the right to suspend, punish or remove and employee.

f) To keep within its management by itself directly and any of the institutions entrusted to the management of any of the Committees or common to any two of the Committees constituted by the Council such matters shall be decided by Resolution of the council from time to time. Matters covered by this sub-clause shall for the present be;

i) The Management, control, and equipment of the Aka Dandaiah Pantulu Hall.

ii) The provision of Audio-Visual Education for the several institutions and the staff and equipment therefore and the control of the funds allotted for the same.

iii) To appoint and control the same required for carrying on building construction and works for the benefit of the several institutions.

g) To constitute separate Committees for the Management of the Hindu College and the Bandlamudi Hanumayamma Hindu Girls Junior College and High Schools and Bandlamudi Hanumayamma Hindu Degree College for Women and to transfer all or any of its powers of management to the said committees, so as not to be resolution passed at a Special meeting appoint more Committees to manage the institutions under its control and delegate such power as may be considered necessary to such Committees.

h) To transfer its powers of management, control or administration of any properties owned by it to any of the Committees appointed by it or re-transfer to itself any such powers when considered necessary.

i) To make all such rules and bye-laws as are not inconsistent with the objects set forth above and for carrying out the same ad for the proper management of the above institutions under its direct charge and to revise, modify, and cancel or alter the rules whenever the Council considers it necessary by a vote of the majority of the members on the rolls at a meeting specially convened for the purpose and the bye-laws by a simple majority.

j) To have the power of delegating its authority in the matter of appointment, punishments, and other administrative matters, Committees or its office bearers on such terms and conditions as may be considered proper.

k) To directly manage all boys Schools under its management. The Headmasters of the several affiliated boy’s institutions will be co-opted as members in matters relating to the ordinary administration of the schools.

l) To elect a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary for the Council and to have the powers to elect an Additional Secretary with such powers mentioned under the clause relating to powers of the Secretary as may be assigned to him by the President.

m) To have all residuary power of ownership and management over the institutions and properties not covered by these provisions.

n) To have the right of hearing appeals against orders of dismissal of members or the staff passed by any of the Committees other than the College Committee.

o) To have the budgets passed by the committees sent to the Council.

p) To have the ultimate power of writing off arrears due to the Council or the institutions under its management.

q) The President and Secretary of the Council shall be the Governing Body of the society (Council) for the purposes and within the meaning of the Societies Registration Act.

13. The Hindu College Committee:
a) A Committee of not more than 15 shall be constituted consisting of:
1) The President of the Council, ex-officio
2) The chairman of the Municipal Council, ex-officio
3) The Principal of the College, ex-officio
4) A Representative of the family of late K. Lakshmaiah Naidu Garu in terms of the agreement with the Executors to his estate.
5) A member of the College Staff elected by the members of the teaching staff of the college from year to year and approved by the Committee.
6) And not more than 10 other members elected by the Council of whom not more than one should be a member of the class referred to in clause 3 (d)
b) The members elected to the Council shall hold office for a term of 3 years from the date of election. The staff representative shall be elected once every year. The members of the family of K. Lakshmaiah Naidu Garu shall have the right of nomination of their representative once in every 3 years. Elected members shall cease to hold office also when their membership to the council cease other members shall cease to be such when they cease to hold the character by virtue of which they are members of the Committee.

c) The Committee shall have all powers of management of the affairs of the College and the administration of properties entrusted to it for management in all matters relating to the College and not inconsistent with this Constitution. The Committee may elect a President, a Vice – President and a Secretary from among its members and may frame rules and bye-laws for administration of the College not repugnant to this constitution.

13.A) Hindu College of Pharmacy, Guntur.
(1) A Committee of not more than 12 shall be constituted consisting of:-

(a) The president of the Council, Ex-Officio.
(b) The president of Hindu College- Ex-Officio.
(c) And not more than 10 other members elected by the Council.
(d) The members elected to the College shall hold office for a term of 3 years from the date of their election.
(e) The Committee shall have all powers of Management of the affairs of the College and the administration of the properties entrusted to it for Management in all matters relating to the College and not inconsistent with this Constitution and the A.I.C.T.E.
(f) The Committee may elect a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and an Additional Secretary from among its members and may frame Rules and Bye-Laws for the administration of the College not repugnant to this Constitution.
14. The Girls School Committee:

Bandlamudi Hanumayamma Hindu Girls Jr. College and High School.
a) A Committee of not more than 19 shall be constituted consisting of

i) Seven Ex-Officio Members
1) President and Secretary of Hindu. College and High School’s Council, Guntur.
2) President and Secretary of Hindu College, Guntur.
3) Principal and / or Headmistress of Bandlamude Hanumayamma Hindu Girls Jr. College and High School. She will not however be entitled to participate and vote in the election of office bearers.
4) Nominee of Bandlamudi Hanumayamma.
5) President and Secretary of B.H.H.G. Degree College, Guntur as Ex-officio

ii) Elected Members:

a) Not more than 10 (Ten) members elected by the Hindu College and High School’s Councils’ Guntur for a term of three years each from time to time.
b) The Committee shall manage all the affairs of B.H.H.G.Junior College and High School for Girls.
c) The Committee shall elect a President, Vice President and a Secretary for a term of three years each time.
d) The Committee will form its own Rules and Bye-laws for effective conduct of its affairs subject to the approval of Hindu College and High Schools’ Council, Guntur.
e) The term of Ex Office Members shall be co-terminous with their respective offices.
f) The Elected Members shall cease to be a member of the Committee by expiry of the term of three years or by expiry of their membership in Hindu College and High Schools’ Council, Guntur which ever is earlier.
g) The president, Vice-President, and Secretary shall however hold office till the expiry of their respective terms and until new office bearers are elected in their places, even I they cease to be a member of the Committee.
h) The meeting for election of office bearers shall be held within one month of the election of new members o the Committee by the Council, The Secretary of the Committee shall be the Convenor.
i) President of Hindu College and High School’s Council and Secretary of BH.H.G.H. School shall be the President and Secretary of B.H.G. Junior College and High Schools for Girls Committee, till a president and a Secretary are elected by its Committee.

B.H.D. College for Women Committee:

a) A Committee of not more than 18 shall be constituted consisting of

1) The President of the Council as Ex-Officio.
2) The President of Hindu College as Ex-Officio.
3) The President of B.H.H.G.Jr. College as Ex-Officio.
4) The Principal of the B.H.H.Degree College for Women as Ex-Officio.
5) Two Representatives of Nagarjuna University
6) One Representative from Government of Andhra Pradesh
7) One B.H.Degree College Staff Member elected by the Members of the Teaching Staff of the college from year to year and approved by the Committee.

8) And not more than 10 other members elected by the Council.
b) The members elected by the Council shall hold office in a term of three years from the date of the election or by expiry of their membership in H.C. and Council, which ever is earlier.

c) The President of H.C. and H.S. Council Guntur and the President of B.H.Jr. College, Guntur shall act as President and Secretary of B.H.H.D. College for Women, till the elections for this Committee are conducted. The meeting of the election of office bearers shall be held within one month of the election of office bearers shall be held within one month of the election of new member, by H.C. and H.S. Council and the Secretary of the Council shall be the convenor.

d) The committee shall have all powers of management of the affairs of the college and the administration of the properties entrusted to it for Management in all matters. Relating to the College and not in-consistent with this constitution. The Committee may elect a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary and an additional Secretary from among its members and frame rules and bye-laws for administration of College not repugnant to this Constitution.

15. The Boys Schools :
1. All Boys Schools will be administered by the Hindu College and High Schools Council with the Head Master of all separately affiliated Boys Schools co-opted as additional and ex-officio members when matters relating to the ordinary administration of the schools come up for consideration.
2. The President of the Council shall be the President of this Committee.
3. The Secretary of the Council shall be the Manager and Correspondent of the Hindu College High School and will be Secretary of the Committee also.
4. Separate Secretaries will be elected for each of the other boys schools to which separate affiliation has been granted by the Education Department. The Secretaries so elected will be the Managers and correspondents for the schools for which they have been elected.
5. The Council may frame rules for administration of the Schools not inconsistent with this Constitution.

16. Office-Bearers of the Council :
a) The election of the office- bearers of the Council shall be held as soon as possible after the vacancy occurs, care being taken to see that the period shall not exceed 1 month after the vacancy. The office bearers shall be hold office for a tern of 3 years from the date of election and till the next office bearers are elected. The elections shall ordinarily be held in the month of October

b) No-office –bearers of the council shall be elected to the same office for more than 2 consecutive terms except on a vote of the majority of the members on the rolls. Such election shall be by a vote on a direct motion that he be re-elected. If the motion is lost, nominations from other members will be called for in the normal course and elections held.

c) The Council may by a vote of majority of members on the rolls postpone the elections for such period as it considers proper.

d) Any office-bearer of the Council who is financially interested in any subsisting contract or transaction for profit with the Council or any of the Committee or any of the institutions under their management shall forefeet his office.

17. Power and duties of the President of the Council :
The President shall have the following powers and duties
1). To preside over meetings of the Council

2). To have the power of convening meetings of the Council or any of its Committee other than the Hindu College Committee and Girls Schools Committee.
3. To have the power of adding subject to the Agenda prepared by the secretary which will for the purpose be sent in advance to the president.
4. To have the general powers of supervision and control and to act as the representative of the Council and subject to its directions in matters relating to the affairs of the Council and the administration of the institutions under its direct management.

5.a). To have the power to delegate all or any of the President’s powers and duties to the Vice-President, or any other member for such period as may be considered necessary.

b). Whenever any secretary or any other office bearer is either absent or is incapacitated, the President shall have the power to assume and to look after such Secretary’s or such office bearers duties and powers as in Rule 12(1) 18,19, and 24 their sub-clauses or assign them to any other member during that period. Such assumption or assignment shall be reported to the Council at its next meeting for its approval.

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